Guest Policies



If you want to book my B&B, please read my confession first. My B&B is located in the small village of Baisha Township, which is not known to the people of Lien Lake. There are currently no more than 30 households in the village. There are no neighbors. In the inner sea of ​​Pinghu, when the tide is high, a part of the land will be flooded in the sea, and you can see Magong City and Xiyu and Dacang Island; on the left is a wetland. When the tide is high, the sea will flood the wetlands and show up when the tide is low; On the right is the farmland that is arable; the rear is a large farmland. I am a very simple person, with no tastes and features, so my homestay is as simple as me, without complicated and high-end decoration, top-level equipment, only my favorite quiet sea view. So my homestay has nothing (not to stay in the hotel), only:
One space: a room for your free mind
An environment: a corner window of the coast of the lagoon
An opportunity: the opportunity to be friends with yous

So there is no professional service here, only the sincere treatment of friends. If you don't want to give up, you are welcome to come to the Migratory Birds B&B (City Front Station) and have a good life!




    ※ Welcome to【Migrant Bird. Intertidal Zone】homestay ※
    In order to maintain the quality and safety of accommodation, the accommodation rules are specially formulated, please abide by them together!
    1. Passengers must bring ID to check in at the counter. Check-in time is 3 pm; Check-out time is 10:30 am. Outside of time, you can leave your luggage at the counter.
    2. Breakfast time: 08:00~10:00 If you need to dine outside the time due to itinerary, please let us know in advance. If you cannot cooperate, please take care of yourself.
    3. Pets are not allowed in the homestay.
    4. Please do not drink or gamble at the homestay. Do not bring prohibited items.
    5. It is absolutely forbidden for residents to cook any food in the room or on the balcony, garden and other places.
    6. If you find any missing items, please tell the counter to call the police immediately.
    7. According to the Law on the Prevention and Control of Tobacco Harm, a comprehensive ban on smoking is implemented. If it violates the law, it will be reported to the relevant unit for processing. The homestay can request immediate check-out and compensate five times the room rate for cleaning purposes.
    8. When the guests check out, please check all the luggage clearly so as not to lose them.
    9. When the guest is out, please turn off the lights and air-conditioning in the room, and please lock the door for safety.
    10. Every day before 8:00 in the morning and after 10:00 in the evening, please do not talk loudly to avoid disturbing your neighbors.
    11. If you are staying with an extra person, please inform us according to the regulations on the website. There is no extra charge for those under 3 years old (no extra bed. The extra bed is charged), and over 3 years old will be charged according to each room type. However, the number of guests cannot exceed the number of guests. We have the right to refuse your accommodation and not refund the room rate.
    12. If an extra bed is required for each room, an additional 200 yuan will be charged.
    13. In order to maintain cleanliness, please wash the sea sand in the outdoor cleaning area before entering the room.
    14. Please take care of all supplies and equipment, if there is damage, please compensate according to the market price.
    15. In order to maintain the privacy and security of guests, non-resident guests are not allowed to enter the scope of this homestay arbitrarily. Guests of the guests visiting please contact the prophet of the host.
    16. In response to the government's [Low Carbon Island Life Circle] decree plan, from now on, the homestay will not provide disposable disposable toiletries (toothbrush toothpaste, shower cap, razor, comb, if you need to purchase at your own expense), only provide bath towels, towels , Fixed bath filling and shampoo. And please save electricity and water, let us do environmental protection and love the earth together.
    17. The vast intertidal zone is right in front of the homestay. Please pay attention to viewing. Don’t capture sea creatures and take away any products that belong to nature, sand, stones, shells, corals, please leave them in their original places Bring in).
    18. The homestay provides internet, no TV equipment, and you can bring your own computers, books, CDs, etc.
    19. You are welcome to come and share the experience of life together. There is no professional homestay service here, only friends treat it with the heart, hoping that "my home is your home". Let's live a "happy" life together! .
     候鳥.潮間帶民宿主人  美滿

    1. Please go online and directly select the room you want to stay in. On the right of the introduction of each room, there is a reference for the date of this room.
    2. If the price of the homestay is the original price, a 30% deposit will be charged according to the fixed contract of the Consumer Foundation, and the payment method will be by credit card.
    3. If the room rate of the homestay is the special discount price, it will not be stipulated by the contract, and the reservation will be charged the full amount of the preferential price. Please use the remittance method. Remind you again that the special discounted reservation is a non-refundable full payment, please confirm the completion of the flight or boat to ensure a smooth journey.
      (Please transfer within 2 days. If you do not upload the last five digits of account NO. after the transfer within 2 days, the system will automatically open this reservation of you room. If necessary, please re-book.)

      Remittance Account:
      Bank Name: E.Sun Commercial Bank, Ltd.,Taipei, Taiwan (808)
      Account Number: 1034-979-101615
      Account Name: 蔡美滿

    **[Internet remittance], please be sure to indicate [reservation person name and check-in date] in the remarks column (for example: 10/9 Cai Meiman)
    **[Clinical Remittance], please use the link of [Reservation Confirmation Letter] to click [Remittance Notification] to notify us, or click the link in [Reservation Inquiry] on the official website to notify us. The last five digits of the account number and the remittance amount. (Please keep the receipt certificate for verification after transfer)

    4. If you book more than two rooms at the same time, there is a discounted price and the original price at the same time, you will receive the full deposit, please use the transfer method.
    5. In accordance with the flight booking time, the reservation within two months, please confirm the reservation of the transportation before booking.


    1. If you book a room at a discounted price, when you cancel your reservation, the homestay will not proceed with the refund process.
    2. If you booked the original priced room, when you cancel the reservation, the homestay will refund according to the following stipulated contract.
    3. Please click [Cancel Link] to notify us using the reservation confirmation letter, or click the link in the reservation record on the official website to notify us.

    方式 收訂金 取消訂房/人工作業
    金融機構轉帳 不得逾約定房價總金額百分之三十,但預定住宿日為三日以上之連續假日前夕及期間,定金得提高至約定房價總金額百分之五十 一、   賓客解約通知於預定住宿日前第十四日以前到達者,得請求候鳥潮間帶退還已付定金百分之百。
    二、   賓客解約通知於預定住宿日前第十日至第十三日到達者,得請求候鳥潮間帶退還已付定金百分之七十。
    三、   賓客解約通知於預定住宿日前第七日至第九日到達者,得請求候鳥潮間帶退還已付定金百分之五十。
    四、   賓客解約通知於預定住宿日前第四日至第六日到達者,得請求候鳥潮間帶退還已付定金百分之四十。
    五、   賓客解約通知於預定住宿日前第二日至第三日到達者,得請求候鳥潮間帶退還已付定金百分之三十。
    六、   賓客解約通知於預定住宿日前第一日到達者,得請求候鳥潮間帶退還已付定金百分之二十。
    七、   賓客解約通知於預定住宿日當日到達或未為解約通知者,候鳥潮間帶得不退還賓客已付全部定金。
    信用卡/預收 不受限制 比例退還預收約定房價總金額:
    一、   賓客解約通知於預定住宿日前第三日以前到達者,候鳥潮間帶應退還預收約定房價總金額百分之百。
    二、   賓客解約通知於預定住宿日前第一日至第二日到達者,候鳥潮間帶應退還預收約定房價總金額百分之五十。
    三、   賓客解約通知於預定住宿日當日到達或未為解約通知者,候鳥潮間帶得不退還預收約定房價總金額。

    一、   賓客解約通知於預定住宿日當日前到達者,得請求候鳥潮間帶於一年內保留已付金額作為賓客日後消費折抵使用。候鳥潮間帶不得對賓客已付金額的折抵使用作不合理之限制,如不得與其他優惠方案合併使用等。
    二、   賓客解約通知於預定住宿日當日到達或未為解約通知者,候鳥潮間帶得不退還預收約定房價總金額。
    其他 內容
    契約變更 賓客於訂房後,要求變更住宿日期、住宿天數、房型、房間數量,經候鳥潮間帶同意者,賓客不需支付因變更所生之費用。
    候鳥潮間帶違約責任 候鳥潮間帶無法履行訂房契約時,應即通知賓客。
    因可歸責於候鳥潮間帶之違約處理 因可歸責於候鳥潮間帶之事由致無法履行訂房契約者,賓客得請求約定房價總金額一倍計算之損害賠償;其因候鳥潮間帶之故意所致者,賓客得請求約定房價總金額三倍計算之損害賠償。


    不可歸責於雙方當事人之處理 因停班停課、須乘坐之交通航班停駛等不可抗力或其他不可歸責於雙方當事人之事由,致契約無法履行者,候鳥潮間帶應即無息返還賓客已支付之全部定金(或預收房價總金額)及其他費用。
  • Transportation Information

    6562Transportation in the journey of Penghu is important. The B&B has planned the car rental service in the airport. After arrived at the Airport, applying for a car rental service at the Counter of Risheng Car Rental /日昇車行(Please mention you are the guest of the Migratory Birds B&B). If your baggage is not convenient to carry, please tell the counter all fill in a tag that the luggage of the Migratory Birds B&B, attached on the baggage, and placed in the counter. We will pick up baggage back to the B&B before 3pm! If you have any problems, you can also call us at +886 900639601.


候鳥潮間帶民宿統一編號:17023949 民宿登記編號:150
城前驛站民宿統一編號:40837906 民宿登記編號:394
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